I stroll through life following my Lord. At times, I have not liked the paths He has led me down. Some valleys have been darkened by grief and heartache; they were deep, sad chasms. But faithfully, gently He carried me. His ways are past finding out and for that I am grateful. Christ is my Rock, my firm foundation. And through His love, I am finding joy in life and peace in Providence.
It's the the little things that make life worthwhile for me. A quiet evening with my family...singing, playing games, reading the Word together. Seeing the rain splash on the driveway, hearing the thunder, seeing the lightning. Feeling a warm breeze brush my face and mess my hair. Breathing in the scent of orange blossoms on a chilly night. Laughing at old jokes with friends and creating new ones. Photographing a face of any kind: wrinkled, smooth, dark, or light. Capturing their souls, each one unique. I enjoy viewing life around me in all its forms: the developing personality of a child, flowering buds, baby goats, families gathered together, the trees growing ever taller...
::I am Anna, herein lie my daring exploits. The day-by-day adventures of Living Under Grace::

Friday, December 4, 2009

::So It Begins::

What a day to start a personal blog...it's cold and rainy, I'm feeling dizzily queasy, and my right cheek is chubby from wisdom teeth surgery.  Yup, I'm going all out today! 
On that happy note...
It is my earnest desire that the words I write will encourage and uplift any and all readers.  I purpose to share my heart: whether it be in happy exhuberance, or a down-trodden state; humorous and teasing, or serious and honest.
In all my posts though, my desire is to...
 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer. ~Psalm 19:14

And now, since I believe that posting without pictures can be boring at times, I leave you with this...
Yes my friends, it is exactly what it looks like...a random picture of sandy feet.  :)
Blessings upon blessings,


The Stone Family Band said...

I asked Anna what I should say, and she said, "Say what you want to say." So here goes...

This woman you are about to know better is a woman who has been a source of strength to her family and has nursed us through trials and tribulations. She has cheered our hearts with her humor, music, photography, writing, cooking skills and in oh, so many other ways.

I feel privileged to have been given the honor of mothering Anna.

Mothering is not a science...we mothers depend on our Lord's direction and wisdom in our mothering journeys...praying that He will show us the way.

And then we reach a point where we begin, what I call, the 'standing-back' process...a process of observing the beautiful tapestry of life that our Lord is orchestrating in our children!

The symphonic beauty produced in their lives consecrates all of our feeble efforts into a melody of His praise!

This is where I am with Anna's development as a woman of God...standing back and watching the Lord work His work in her...producing a melody we (her father and I) would have been totally incapable of hearing without His direction.

I am very pleased that she will be sharing what He is doing in every facet of her life...her vision, insights and opinions are of high value to me...I desire her input and invite her into my sanctification process!

I love you, Anna Grace, and pray God's rich blessings on you and your readers. Thank you for inviting me to be the 'first' commentator on your new blog...'Living Under Grace'.

Abundant blessings on your life <3

blog said...

Very well said, Mrs. Stone!

Congrats on your new blog, Anna! I am excited to read about what you are thinking! May our Lord be with you!

Love you,
~L a u r e n

Jean Marie said...

I love it. LOVE it. I love you more, Diana....and I am in the first post!! :) My sandy feet on the far left.

Soo excited for ya, dear...and I am writing this on your pc....muwhahah.

In all seriousness, I've wanted you to have your own "talkin" blog for a long time, since I've missed the Redeemer Liveth posts....may God be blessed in all that goes on here, and bless you through your readers as well!!

I love you, dearest.
~ Jean Marie

Zach said...

Hey Anna...looking forward to future postings on this brand-spankin new blog of yours. It looks good so far! :D

In Christ,

~Zach S.

Joseph H. said...

Very nice new blog! I'm sure it will be nice to blog about stuff other than professional Photography. May God bless your new Blog.